Noreen McGrath

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Please provide your name as it appears in our '73 yearbook, and add any other name(s) you may go by now.

Noreen McGrath

Relationship status - husbands/wives/domestic partners/divorces/deaths/children/grandchildren? Tell us about your other family members we might know.

Married twice. Divorced twice. That’s enough for me. No children. Both parents have passed away, my dad in 1989, my mom in 2012. My oldest brother Don is living with his family in San Dimas. We lost his oldest son to cancer last year. My other brother Richard is living in Texas near his son.

Please upload a few recent pictures here. Family pictures are of course welcome!

about 1972

Job history? What jobs have you had over the last 50 years?

Bank of America, Wells Fargo bank. a head shop(The Black) in San Diego, retail shops, San Mateo Community College (various jobs ending up as Telecommunications Coordinator). Sega America as Telecom Manager. Took some years off to go to school, majored in art. Moved to Katy, TX where I became my mom’s caretaker. Moved back to CA, left after mom passed. Worked for a hearing aid distributor 2019.

Are you currently working, retired or somewhere in-between?

Temporarily retired.

Did you pursue any further education after High School?

Community College 2002 -2005. No degree, just had fun learning.

What hobbies/interests/pastimes have you engaged in?

Art, primarily painting watercolor and acrylic. Started playing with bead work during Covid lock down.

What city do you currently live in.....for how long? Where else have you lived?

After HS, lived in Monrovia, and Arcadia and Sierra Madre. Moved to San Diego in 1975. moved to the Bay area in 1985 and stayed for 21 years. Moved to Katy, TX in 2006. Moved back to CA in 2010 (Hemet). I now live in Green Valley, AZ since 2013. I love it here.

Over the last 50 years, what other cities/states/countries have you visited?

in the U.S.: Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, S. Dakota, Nebraksa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa. Wisconsin, New York, Massachusetts. New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland. Elsewhere: Mexico, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Morocco. Switzerland, U.K.

Share with us your most memorable experiences of the last 50 years?

Too many, good and bad. Ask me at the reunion.

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