Sally Scharfe

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Please provide your name as it appears in our '73 yearbook, and add any other name(s) you may go by now.

Sally Scharfe

Relationship status - husbands/wives/domestic partners/divorces/deaths/children/grandchildren? Tell us about your other family members we might know.

No husband. No children. My mom is 91 and lives in Eagle Rock with my stepdad. Jim Scharfe, my younger brother, passed away in 2011. Miss him. My sister lives 2 miles from me in San Clemente. Her children and grandkids live within 20 miles. Makes for lots of fun barbeques, beach days, and pub crawls.

Please upload a few recent pictures here. Family pictures are of course welcome!

Mom and my stepdad.

My niece and nephew and their cute kids.

My nephew and his bride.

My sweet Spanky. Just lost him last month at the age of 17 and a half.

Darling Dakota aka the tank. I adopted her a year and a half ago . Her life has improved immeasurably.

Poker when we played live.

Secret language.

Job history? What jobs have you had over the last 50 years?

I worked at Von’s as a grocery checker and put myself though court reporting school. It was exactly what I wanted to do. I have been a court reporter for 35 years. Love it. I have the best seat in town to the most interesting show. Never know who will be in the hot seat. I took Michael Jackson’s depo – two crazy days in Beverly Hills. Nick Carter from The Backstreet Boys. The man who owned Infinity Broadcasting. He was Howard Stern’s boss. A bunch of DJs from KROQ radio station in a gossipy lawsuit.

Are you currently working, retired or somewhere in-between?

Working full time, although it doesn’t seem like work really. I report 2 to 4 days a week. Like a lot of business, the pandemic changed court reporting. We mostly work via zoom for trials and depos. I did the first jury trial that went to verdict in Alameda County. Now it is a bit of both, in person and remote work. Nice to work at home barefooted with my dog for the last few years.

What hobbies/interests/pastimes have you engaged in?

Tons over the years. Right now, swimming and Pilates. Definitely got that exercise gene! I have always loved to cook and entertain. Reading. I play poker every Friday night via Zoom on a poker app with a group that got started 8 years ago when I lived in the SFBA. We used to play once a month at my house. When we were all on lockdown, we started playing weekly remotely. We play 5 card Omaha. I am by far the weakest player. But getting better. Also the only woman, so they named our card club the Oakland Sallies.

What city do you currently live in.....for how long? Where else have you lived?

Stuck pretty close around So Cal until I got divorced. My reporting agency was officed in Old Pasadena. I opened a second office in Oakland and moved there in 2005. No one was surprised I moved to the Bay Area. I always loved Nor Cal more than So CaI, and I needed a challenge and a change of scenery. Lived in the Oakland Hills for 17 years. Really enjoyed it, but a few years ago it felt like time to move back home. Working remotely meant I wasn’t tied to living next to a big city for work. It has been a really good move for me. I’m in San Clemente a few blocks from the beach, and I love it here. Love living a beach lifestyle and being close to my family. Happy to to able to help my mom much more. We go monthly for a mani/pedi, lunch and errands.

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